Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No One Puts Cupcake in a Corner - home of IronCupcake:Milwaukee: The Real IronCupcakes of New Jersey (Moorestown)

No One Puts Cupcake in a Corner - home of IronCupcake:Milwaukee: The Real IronCupcakes of New Jersey (Moorestown)

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Go Ask Alice (Alice In Wonderland Cupcakes)

Here are my cupcakes for an Alice In wonderland themed bday party. I practiced a few times before the event to ensure they would be perfect. They are anything but "perfect" but they are creative and unique and I think I gave them that Katis Kupcakes feel!! What do you think?? Thanks to Hello Naomi and Lookcupcake for great inspiration!! I am ready to tackle the next Disney theme now--look out Snow White and Cinderella, here I come, lol!

Here are a few more!

Wax Soda Bottle Cupcakes!

Celebrating Being Eleven!
My daughter turned eleven last week and she promised her friends these wax soda bottle custom cupcakes, made by mom (me) with lots of love. I had to go to three stores to find this throwback to the old skool candy; but I managed to find them. Oh yeah and did I mention she also requested if it wasn't "too much trouble" could I please dye the icing the same color as the wax soda bottle treats>good thing I love her-I would do whatever it took to help her enjoy her big day! The cupcakes were a hit and apparently the fifth grade boys and kids from other classes were chasing her down the halls to get one--score one for mom, lol!